Trip 2 Tahiti

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Request a Quote

Requesting a Quote for Your Dream Vacation in Tahiti and Polynesia

Aloha, readers! Are you dreaming of an unforgettable vacation in our tropical paradise, Tahiti and the Polynesian islands? Then, you’re probably wondering how much this dream trip may cost. This article will guide you on how to request a quote for your Polynesian vacation, which is the first step in making your tropical dreams come true.

Understand What a Quote Includes

A vacation quote provides an estimated cost of your vacation including airfares, accommodation, meals (usually breakfast), transfers, and sometimes activities. In Tahiti and the Polynesian islands, your quote can also include unique experiences like an overwater bungalow stay, lagoon cruises, and traditional Polynesian cultural experiences.

Steps to Request a Quote

  1. Choose your Potential Dates: The price can significantly vary depending on the season. Mid-December to mid-January and July to August, when Tahiti celebrates major Polynesian festivals, are peak times.
  2. Decide your Itinerary: Though Tahiti is a popular starting point, explore other stunning islands such as Bora Bora, Mo’orea, and Rangiroa. For authentic Polynesian cultural experiences, you can consider the Marquesas or the Austral Islands.
  3. Calculate the Duration: Decide on how many nights you’d like to spend in each island. This is crucial in determining the transportation and accommodation costs.
  4. Scope out Accommodations: From affordable guesthouses to luxurious five-star resorts, the choice is yours.
  5. Plan your Activities: Whether it’s a romantic sunset cruise or diving adventures, Polynesian islands are full of cultural and outdoor activities.

When providing these details to your travel agent, make sure to also specify your budget. This will help them design an itinerary that gives you the best value for your money.

Things to Remember

  • Be Flexible: Being flexible with your travel dates and accommodation preferences can save you money.
  • Bundle it Up: Booking flights, hotels, and activities together usually brings down the cost.
  • Embrace Local: Choosing local inns or guest houses can significantly reduce costs. Also, you get the added benefit of experiencing Tahitian hospitality at it’s finest!
  • Time Zone: Keep in mind Tahiti and her islands are in a different time zone (GMT -10). This might impact your flights and accommodation booking.

In Tahiti and Polynesia, “Mana” (spirit) is a key part of our culture. It’s the invisible spiritual energy that connects everything. As you begin to plan your trip, envision the “Mana” you want to experience, the experiences that call to your spirit. Your dream trip to Tahiti and the Polynesian islands is not just a vacation, but a chance to immerse yourself in a rich and vibrant culture grounded in centuries-old traditions.

So, take the first step towards your Polynesian dream and request a quote today!
